District Archaeological Museum Overview, Nizamabad
District Archaeological Museum in Nizamabad India - Get detailed information on District Archaeological Museum like How To Reach, Where To Stay, Best Time To Visit, District Archaeological Museum Photos, Reviews, Attraction & Activities
In the year 2001, the District Collector of Nizamabad thought of setting up a District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad. That very year the project materialized. He first sought the permission of the Commissioner of Archeology and Museums in Hyderabad who deputed his assistant to inspect the town hall of Nizamabad.
The town hall was built in the year 1936 by Mir Osman Alikhan. It was formerly under the Municipal Administration of Nizamabad Town. When it was decided that the building would house the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad, the control of the building was transferred to the department of Archeology and Museum. It was then renovated and the premise of the building was also beautified. The District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad was inaugurated in this building on 24th October in 2001.
The arts and artifacts housed in the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad covers a large time span. A look at them will help you to trace the evolution of human civilization. Objects belonging to the Paleolithic Age to the 16th century A.D. are exhibited in the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad.
Just as you enter the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad, what will surely catch your attention is the beautifully carved red sandstone door jamb belonging to the Vijayanagar period. There are three different sections in the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad. They are the Archeological section, the Sculptural gallery and the Bronze and decorative gallery.
The collection of the Archeological section of the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad includes tools and weapons belonging to the Old Stone and the New Stone Age, pottery, beads, bangles and bricks. One is sure to be amazed at the variety of coins that are kept in this museum. Punch marked coins which date back to the 3rd and 4th centuries B.C. as well as those coins which were in circulation at the time of the reign of the Satavahana, Ikshvakus, Vishnukundins, Kakatiyas, Qutub Shahis, Vijayanagara are to be seen in the museum. Linguist will be very interested to see the chart that shows the evolution of the Telegu script from the 3rd century B.C. to the 16th century A.D.
The exquisite sculptures adorning the pedestals of the Sculptural gallery of the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad include those of Jaina, Parsvanath, Ganesha, Veerabhadra, Chamundi and Chennakesava. Particularly mention worthy is the sculptural panel which depicts Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. In the Bronze and Decorative section of the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad there are a number of swords, daggers, spears, shields, chest plates and other arms and armors. The Bidriware collection of the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad is simply stunning. If you do not visit the District Archeological Museum in Nizamabad, you will also miss out on beautiful miniature paintings of the medieval period. Works of contemporary artistes also find their place in this museum.