Archaeological Museum, Mathura Overview, Mathura
Archaeological Museum, Mathura in Mathura India - Get detailed information on Archaeological Museum, Mathura like How To Reach, Where To Stay, Best Time To Visit, Archaeological Museum, Mathura Photos, Reviews, Attraction & Activities
Introduction to Archaeological Museum, Mathura
Mathura the most sacred travel destination in India abounds in different types of tourist attractions. To cater to varying needs and different moods of the discerning travelers, Mathura features distinct places of tourist interest. Although it enjoys immense popularity for being the birth place of Lord Krishna, the embodiment of Lord Vishnu but this in no way implies that it has religious significance only. It is noted for other kinds of attractions too of which museums in Mathura witness huge footfalls. Archaeological Museum in Mathura is best of all the museums and warrant special visit.
Located at Dampier Park, The Mathura Archaeological Museum houses the items discovered in the archeological excavations from Mathura and adjacent area. It also exhibits excellent material on Indian Art and Iconography, ancient forms of drapery, ornamentation, hairdressing and items of domestic or special uses.
History of Archaeological Museum, Mathura
The Archaeological Museum in Mathura was instituted by Mr. F S Growse in the year 1874. Mr. F S Growse was the then collector of the Mathura district. In 1930 this museum was relocated to the present building.
Description of Archaeological Museum, Mathura
On a visit to the Mathura Archaeological Museum which is located at the Dampier Park you will come across an exciting collection of antiquities. You will get to see the articles that were discovered in the archeological excavations from Mathura and adjacent area. You will really be surprised to see that most of the collection belongs to the period between the 3rd to 12th centuries. Some of the most fascinating items of these centuries include the sculptures from the Gupta and Kushan time.
In the Archaeological Museum in Mathura you will get to see some of the more interesting objects like stone sculptures, bas-reliefs, architectural fragments, inscriptions related to diverse faiths, old coins, terracotta and bronze articles, pottery, bricks, clay seals and paintings. Most of these items were discovered by Cunnigham, Growse and Fuhrer among others. Majority of the items basically belongs to Mathura region.
This apart, at Mathura Archaeological Museum you will also be delighted at the sight of the articles on Indian Art and Iconography, attractive old drapery, ornamentation, hairdressing and articles of domestic or special uses.