Conguillio National Park Overview, Araucania
Conguillio National Park in Araucania Chile - Get detailed information on Conguillio National Park like How To Reach, Where To Stay, Best Time To Visit, Conguillio National Park Photos, Reviews, Attraction & Activities
This national park has 60832000 square meters and hold Curacautin, Lonquimay, Melipeuco and Vilcun towns. Declared National park in 1950, is administrated by the CONAF and offers an information center, camping, housing, picnic zones, first aids and food centers to visitors.' From Conguillio you can see the Llaima volcano (3125 meters above the sea level), the Conguillio lake, the Verde, Caren and Arcoiris Lagoons and Las Araucarias, Sierra Nevada and Las Vertientes paths. Also, you can find a marvelous flora and fauna.
Flora and fauna. Different services, administrate them by the CONAF.
Trekking, horseback ridings, bicycle ridings, high mountain tours, ski, sport fishing, picnic, swimming, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
Ninth region. Localize it 25 kilometers northeast Melipeuco and 115 kilometers east Temuco.