
Roraima - Canaima - Los Roques Package

13 Nights / 14 Days

INR 0 Offterd by : Akanan Travel
Roraima - Canaima - Los Roques Package Image

Package Overview

In this trip you will enjoy 3 of the most impressive sites from Venezuela. Starting with a trekking to Roraima, a huge and peculiar geological formation with more than 2,100 years in age and one of the oldest rock formations of the planet.

Following you will visit Canaima National park and a short but spectacular site to Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in the World! This unique cascade was declared by UNESCO as a natural World Heritage in 1994.

To close our trip, you will be able to visit the striking National Park Los Roques, with its white sand beaches and untouched landscapes. A true paradise to relax and close your trip.

Day wise Itinerary

  • Day 1 : Caracas - Gran Sabana

    Early flight to Puerto Ordaz, an important industrial city and commercial port located at the confluence of the Orinoco and Caroní rivers. Upon arrival, we will load our gear into the vehicle and head out toward the Gran Sabana. We will initially drive south along a well maintained, paved road, passing through low hills covered with deciduous trees and chaparral vegetation, and then drive by the fertile fields and plantations around Upata where rice, cacao, cotton and tobacco are grown. From here we will continue through the rich gold and diamond mining region around Tumeremo and El Dorado. From El Dorado we enter into a lush tropical forest and at the Virgins Rock, or Piedra de la Virgen, the road begins climbing the steep switchbacks of the escalera, or ladder, as we ascend the sandstone escarpment that marks the beginning of the Gran Sabana where it juts up from the granite Guianan Shield. At the top we will suddenly leave the forest, and stretching out before us are impressive open plains, punctuated by the vertical, rose colored cliffs of the tepuys. We will continue driving until we reach the basic but comfortable Kamoirán Lodge where we will spend the night.

  • Day 2 : Kamoiran - Paray Tepuy Camp

    Following a leisurely breakfast at the lodge, we will continue driving southeast through the Gran Sabana toward the Pemón Indian village of San Francisco de Yuruani. Along the way we will stop and walk down to view Kama Merú Falls which have a beautiful 160-foot drop over the edge of the mesa. Afterwards, we will board a curiara, or open motor canoe, to navigate up the Canay River for a closer view of the forest and the chance to view wildlife along its banks. Those that wish may choose to relax and swim off of one of the sandy beaches. Nearly the entire region, or almost 7.4 million acres including the mountainous areas to the west, has been set aside as Canaima National Park to protect the special ecology of this land of tepuys, waterfalls, and exotic flora and fauna. It is the sixth largest national park on earth! We will take a short side trip to view the Arapán valley and Suruape River, an exotic destination at an elevation of 3,260 that has pools, cascades, and palm trees. South of the Yuruani River, we will turn off of the main highway and drive over a dirt road to the Taurepan Indian community of Parai-tepuy where our first camp will be established. The main Pemón tribes are the Arekunas, Taurepanes, and Kamarakotos, and this village has the park*s only guard station and is home to the local porters who will assist our group by carrying food and gear.

  • Day 3 : Kukenan River Camp

    This morning we will enjoy our first sunrise views of Roraima before breakfast. As we watch the sun light up its cliffs, we will contemplate its Indian name, Great, Ever-fruitful, Mother of Streams, which seems appropriate because the waters from its summit feed into three important river systems, the Amazon, Orinoco, and Essequibo. After packing our gear into daypacks, we will begin trekking, followed by our porters who prefer to use their own backpack-like woven baskets to carry their loads. Our route starts off descending from the ridge into a small, forested valley where we will cross the stream and then continue uphill toward a broad plateau. Following a clear trail we hike across rolling terrain and open, grassy savannah, sometimes passing through galley forests along small streams. We might hear the occasional "boink" (a sound like a hammer striking an anvil) of the bearded bellbird which inhabits this region as we leave the valley. Directly ahead of us is the massive, symmetrical bulk of Mount Roraima, whose 9,220 foot summit towers above the plains. To the north of this mesa is a sister tepuy, Kukenán, off of whose 8,790 foot summit cascades the third highest waterfall in the world which has a 2,000 foot drop. Further north, three other tepuys are distinguishable in the distance. With help from our porters this afternoon, we will wade across the Kukenán River and arrive to our campsite on the other side. After dinner we can enjoy watching the Southern Cross as well as familiar northern hemisphere stars and constellations. Trek length: 7½ miles or 6 hours hiking.

  • Day 4 : Roraima Base Camp

    This morning we will head out following the long incline that leads gradually uphill to the base of Roraima vertical, 2,000 foot cliffs. The terrain is a series of long ridges radiating out from the main mountain and is covered by grasslands except in deep ravines where rainforest patches have escaped the local Indians fires. About halfway to our basecamp, we enter a broad sloping area where we might spot Tropidurus lizards scurrying across the trail, watch chestnut-collared sparrows hopping in the shrubs, or observe yellow-headed vultures circling overhead. Our basecamp is located at the foot of Roraimas spectacular walls. Here we have breathtaking views of the savannah rolling away into the distance as well as the splendid rose-colored cliffs rising straight up above us toward the mountains flat summit. In the late afternoon we can enjoy excellent photographic opportunities as we watch the interplay of mists and sunlight across the mountains top until the sun sets. Trek length: 5 miles or 5 hours hiking.

  • Day 5 : Roraima Summit Camp

    Our ascent today follows a 50-foot wide natural ledge which runs from right to left along the cliff face, allowing the only nontechnical access to the summit of Roraima. This route, discovered by the British explorer, Everard Im Thurn in 1884, passes through steep, jungle-like terrain that requires good stamina but no climbing skills. Just beyond our camp, we cross a stream and enter into an exquisite cloud-forest where the dense vegetation prevents us from seeing the cliffs ahead or the savannah dropping away behind. Our concentration is focused on the trail and the diverse plants around us. Bromeliads, bladderworts, sundews, tree ferns, mosses and heliconias are everywhere. Continuing through the cloud-forest that envelopes the cliffs, the trail is wide enough to be safe but is steep and can be very slippery in some places. Orchids, ferns, palms, woody shrubs, and lovely flowers abound. There are three sections where we have to scramble down and up again through small ravines, and the last has the surprise of a thin, ribbon-like waterfall plunging from the crest that splashes the trail with droplets (it really flows when it is raining on the summit). Near the top, our route gets steeper and rockier. It then turns inward through a natural cleft in the rock and suddenly were on the summit gazing at the strange, fascinating landscape. From the edge of the plateau we continue crossing alternating patches of dry, black rock and wet, peat bogs until we arrive to our camp in the early afternoon. Our tents will be pitched in natural caves, providing an added measure of protection from the frequent mists and showers on top. Following lunch, we will begin our initial explorations of the tepuys mysterious and often foggy summit, hiking about 3½ miles (round-trip) to search for quartz crystals in the Valle de los Cristales. We will reach a lookout point from where we can observe the impressive cliffs of Kukenán and Roraima as well as enjoy the views out toward Guyana. Total trek length: 7½ miles or 7½ hours hiking.

  • Day 6 : Roraima Summit Camp

    We have the full day today to explore the fantasy land atop Roraima whose massive summit is 30 miles long and 12½ miles wide! The eroding forces of constant wind and rain have formed giant, stone sculptures; house-sized slabs balanced precariously on slender spires; the arches and pillars of a forgotten, imaginary dynasty; and natural bridges that span narrow chasms. The dominant color is black, created by the rock encrusting lichen that covers every bare surface in all directions. Accompanied by a guide and a couple of the porters, the strongest walkers may follow a rough trail through this bizarre landscape, hiking up and down, crossing creeks and boggy terrain, passing through natural labyrinths, and weaving among boulders to arrive to the concrete monument marking the "triple-point" where the countries of Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana meet. We will have lunch here. As we walk back to camp, we will observe several interesting species of plants such as the Stegolepis guianensis, Orectanthe sceptrum, Drosera roraimae (a type of sundew) and Heliamphora nutans (a native sun pitcher) plus lots of ferns, mosses, orchids, and bromeliads. Roughly half of the flora identified in the "Lost World" exists on Roraima and nowhere else in the world. We might also see the tiny pebble toad who rolls downhill to escape from danger. We will arrive to our camp in the late afternoon, tired from the long hike but excited by our amazing discoveries during this day of exploring the Mother of Streams. Soup and a hot dinner are welcomed this evening! Hiking distance:10 miles or 7 hours.

  • Day 7 : Rio Tek Camp

    Following a leisurely breakfast at camp and last opportunity for taking pictures on top, we will begin our descent. Returning to the ledge we will work our way carefully back down through the cloud-forest. If the weather permits, the views out across the savannah and back toward Roraimas sheer walls can be incredible. Upon reaching our former basecamp area we will enjoy lunch and perhaps take a refreshing dip in the stream below the campsite. Then we will continue along the more gradual descent to the Kukenán River where we will cross the stream and hike one mile further to a campsite at Riotek. Trek length: 9½ miles or 6 hours hiking.

  • Day 8 : Parai Tepuy - Santa Elena

    Today we will leave camp early in order to avoid the strong sunlight and heat of midday as we continue the trek back to our staffs village Parai-tepuy. We will take final, lingering looks toward Roraimas summit, remembering the bizarre rock formations and unique flora and fauna we discovered there and catching glimpses of the Lost World before the mists envelope the top and hide it from our view. Our route is slightly uphill as the elevation of Parai-tepuy is higher than that of the Riotek valley, so we will really appreciate the good picnic lunch and cool drinks that await us when we arrive. With time permitting, we will visit the village schoolhouse and talk with the teacher, or perhaps one of our Taurepan friends will invite us to their home to meet their family. We will say goodbye to our friendly camp staff and, after loading our gear into the vehicles, were bound for Santa Elena de Uairén. This small town is south near the Brazil border and has an airstrip with regular flights. Also, it is a commercial and handicraft center, so we should have opportunities to purchase some of the intricately woven baskets, backpacks, fishing bows and arrows, woodskins and other hand crafted items that are made in the area. We will spend the night in a simple, family-style hostal called Lucrecia (or similar) and enjoy a farewell dinner at one of the best local restaurants. Trek length: 6½ miles or 4½ hours hiking.

  • Day 9 : Canaima

    transfer to the airport and board our chartered flight for the one-hour journey to Canaima. Flying back over the Gran Sabana gives us an entirely different perspective on this dramatic region. According to Pemón Indian legends, Canaima, a lovely lagoon on the Carrao River that is surrounded by exotic cascades such as the Hacha and El Sapo waterfalls, is the dwelling place of the god Kanaimo. During the first decades of the 20th century, Canaima was visited by people searching for gold and diamonds, including Jimmy Angel. Established in the 1950s as a gateway to the park, the areas comfortable cabins, lovely pink tinged beach and exotic tropical setting make it an ideal spot to enjoy lunch and take a break from our long flight. We will board a motor canoe for the short journey across the lagoon and then hike to El Sapo, or Frog Falls, where we can enjoy the refreshing spray of the cascades as we walk behind the waterfall! We will return to the lodge and enjoy our lunch in the churuata, or communal hut, with its quaint palm-thatched roof. Afterwards, we may have the chance to purchase some Pemón handicrafts.This night we sleep in Canaima.

  • Day 10 : Angel Falls

    After an early breakfast, we will leave in our Indian canoes navigating the Carrao River up to the Mayupa torrent, where we will enjoy a walk to the savannah. Afterwards we continue to the confluence with the Río Churún, and head up to the Devil s Canyon - a spectacular gorge with soaring vertical walls, covered in sections by dense tropical vegetation. Numerous small streams and cascades flow down its faces. Our route follows the river that receives the waters of Angel Falls. This is a place of incredible energy and beauty.
    At our arrival to Ratoncito Island, we start a one hour easy hike through the wonderful tropical vegetation filled with small orange and red rivers, huge trees and rocks painted in green moss, until we get to the Laime lookout point.
    We are rewarded with a close-up view of Angel Falls, whose waters free-fall 2,650 through the air before crashing into the rocks below! After time to admire and photograph this vista, we may continue hiking another 30 minutes to a hidden pool and take a dip at the base of the falls. We return to the camp and spend the night in beds in front of Angel Falls.

  • Day 11 : Canaima - Puerto Ordaz - Caracas

    Early return to Canaima, we stop for lunch at Ucaima camp and transfer to airport to catch the 2 pm flight to Puerto Ordaz, and afterwards flight to Caracas Intl. Airport. We sleep in a hotel near the Airport for our early flight to Los Roques.

  • Day 12 : Los Roques

    Early in the morning we catch our 30 minutes flight to the spectacular Los Roques Island. The white sand beaches of Los Roques are among the best of the World! Its a big coral reef of 36 km long that unites more than 40 islands with crystal clear waters, a true heaven for Scuba divers & tourists.

  • Day 13 : Los Roques

    Early in the morning we catch our 30 minutes flight to the spectacular Los Roques Island. The white sand beaches of Los Roques are among the best of the World! Its a big coral reef of 36 km long that unites more than 40 islands with crystal clear waters, a true heaven for Scuba divers & tourists.

  • Day 14 : Los Roques - Caracas

    After breakfast we will take you to the airport to catch your flight to Caracas and connect with your international flight.


  • Hotel
  • Sightseeing

Terms & Conditions

Payment Terms & Methods : * Some Advance Percentage of total booking amount
* Airfare/Transport fare to be paid full at one time in advance.
Cancellation & Refund Policy :* Upon cancellation, refund will be made after deducting the Retention Amount.
* Retention Amount varies as per the number of days left before your package start date.

This Tour is Offered by

Akanan Travel

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  • Calle Bolívar, Edificio Grano de Oro, Planta Baja, Chacao 1060, Caracas, Venezuela
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